Have you ever been in a situation where you felt powerless and let someone else walk all over you? Maybe you’re stuck in a toxic relationship, or you have a boss who takes advantage of you. It’s easy to feel like there’s nothing you can do to change the situation, but the truth is that you have more power than you think. Here are six steps to help you reclaim your power and take control of your life.

Recognise the signs

The first step to reclaiming your power is to recognize the signs that someone is taking advantage of you. Are you constantly making compromises to keep the peace? Do you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells around this person? Are you afraid to speak up and express your needs and desires? If so, it’s time to take action.

Set boundaries

Once you’ve recognized the signs, the next step is to set boundaries. This means being clear about what you will and won’t tolerate. You don’t have to be aggressive or confrontational, but you do need to be firm. Let the person know that their behavior is not acceptable and that you won’t tolerate it any longer.

Get into Queen Energy

This means standing up for yourself and expressing your needs and desires in a clear and confident way. This can be difficult if you’re used to putting others first, but it’s important if you want to reclaim your power. Practice speaking up for yourself and saying no when you need to, gracefully.

Practice self-care

Reclaiming your power can be stressful and challenging, so it’s important to practice self-care. This means taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. Make time for activities that make you feel good, such as creative hobbies, exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones and/or in nature.

Get support

Reclaiming your power is not something you have to do alone. Get support from friends, family, or a coach or therapist. Talking to someone can help you gain perspective and feel less alone in your struggles.

Celebrate your successes

Finally, it’s important to celebrate your successes. Reclaiming your power is not easy, and it’s important to acknowledge your progress and achievements along the way. Take time to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

Reclaiming your power is possible, even if you feel like you’re stuck in a disempowering loop. In fact it is possible, as I show you in my latest guide and workbook, which you can download here.

The global pandemic has been an incredibly challenging experience for all of humanity. Many of us have experienced loss, grief, and a range of difficulties related to our mental health, income, jobs, safety, social lives, and more.

However, amidst all this hardship, there have been moments of magic that we must acknowledge. At the beginning of the pandemic, there was an incredible stillness in the world as the usual crowds disappeared, and nature reclaimed the space. This stillness, although uncomfortable for those who were always on the go, gave us a gift to pause and reflect.

And then, something else emerged at the beginning of the pandemic that was truly beautiful – cooperation, support, and charity. People came together to help each other in various ways, from grocery shopping for vulnerable members of society to donating to those in need. There was a sense of connectedness that we had not experienced before, a sense that we were all in this together.

As many of us started to work from home, we realized that there were benefits to this new way of working, and it was something we could accommodate. A new rhythm and balance emerged, and we found that the pre-pandemic model of life was no longer the norm. We realized that we wanted more flexibility with our schedule and the continuation of remote work.

Purpose is the change of paradigm – people want meaning, fulfillment, and balance. We are no longer willing to sacrifice our physical and mental health, relationships, and passions for a job, a career, or the hope of one. The old way of thinking, where we were disposable and treated like numbers, no longer works.

To take purposeful action, there are three fundamentals that we must embrace.

Firstly, we must face the fear and recognize that it’s okay to feel anxious about humanity’s current state.

Secondly, we must become aware of our emotions and let them come to the surface. We must explore the meaning behind them and let them go.

Finally, we must shift the narrative and choose to purposefully rewrite our story.
It’s time to step up and be part of the solution. We must have confidence in our resilience and that of humanity as a whole. We must take part in creating contagious change by starting with ourselves. What actions can we take that will make a difference, no matter how small? It’s time to embrace our purpose, find our balance, and make meaningful choices that align with our values. When we do this, we can make a positive impact on the world and create a brighter future for all.